Immigration And Visa Services

We need to relocate our workforce to manage your international expansion most of the time. Immigration and Visa Services ensure full compliance with different regulations of any country of business. So jumpstart your global teams without worries.

What is Visa & Immigration

For international expansion, employee mobility is a must. Now, there is a significant change in how companies move their workforce. They no longer prefer long-term assignments. Instead, they like them traveling from one country to another on short-term projects.

Global Immigration And Visa Support | Employ EOR Services

Meanwhile, established businesses prefer permanent relocation for their staff. However, there are tighter visa policies and immigration requirements in most countries today.


How can you achieve your international goals?

Gaining a deep understanding of global market trends and the requirements from local authorities lays a valuable foundation to achieve your international goals succesfully.

In the Asia Pacific, there are big consumer markets and talented workforce pools. Moreover, the region shows early economic growth and high levels of business confidence from investors. So the Asia Pacific is booming, the market is ready, and the workforce is available. The only question is, is your business ready?

The North American region stages the most robust comeback of all. Now, many companies are starting to earn record-high profits. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to capture the North American market and build a footprint in this region.

In Europe, the current mid-market remains low. However, the coming years offer new hope as global investors plan to enter the European market. Business analysts have high expectations for Europe. It’s only a matter of time until this market will boom just like before.

Here’s how our immigration and visa services work

Local Experts

Employ’s Immigration and Visa Services is a full-service solution. We have international immigration experts to assist you with all the requirements and steps to streamline the process.

We have local expertise with immigration, visa, relocation, work permits, and permanent residency procedures. In addition, our global reach extends with our valuable partners in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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Streamlined Process

The application process will start with an initial consultation with our team, well-rounded with different types of work visas and experienced in international immigration laws (country dependent).

This consultation allows us to analyze the situation and come up with a plan. After that, we will guide you to the appropriate requirements and assist you in the process. We will also suggest realistic time-frames and reasonable costs.


Our promise is absolute compliance with local immigration legislation. Hence, we ensure our clients that they will have peace of mind when they choose our services.

We value long-term relationships with our clients. Therefore, we will update you when any legislative amendments happen. We will also assist your employees with the applications of their dependent family members if necessary.

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Securing visas and processing the immigration requirements of your staff always come with complexities. Our cloud-based services platform arranges permits and paperwork that you need to migrate your workforce. We’re proud of our compliance structure and our expertise in international immigration laws. We, at Employ, make it easy for you to expand your organization on a global scale.

Benefits with Employ Immigration And Visa Services

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Total Compliance

Your compliance is taken care of. We secure all your documents and comply with all regulations for visa and immigration processing.

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Open Communication

We keep you updated on any changes in local visa and immigration policies in your country of operation.

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A Global Network

We have a global team of experts that understands your business, knows the local market, and have a global outlook to create a sustainable solution for your business needs.